[2015-02-12 16:17:38 - BmobExample] ------------------------------
[2015-02-12 16:17:38 - BmobExample] Android Launch![2015-02-12 16:17:38 - BmobExample] adb is running normally.[2015-02-12 16:17:38 - BmobExample] Performing com.example.bmobexample.MainActivity activity launch[2015-02-12 16:17:38 - BmobExample] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD '4.4.2'[2015-02-12 16:17:38 - BmobExample] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device '4.4.2'[2015-02-12 16:17:39 - Emulator] Cannot set up guest memory 'android_arm': Invalid argument
Try to reduce RAM size of an emulator
In Eclipse
Window -> Android Virtual Device Manager
Select your device and click Edit button in right part of window
Then in Memory Options secton find RAM parameter and set it to 512 for example. Click OK for saving. Now try to re-debug your app